When we arrived in Big Bear for Lauren and Andrew’s engagement session, we stood in awe at the recent snowfall that blanketed everything. Stepping out of our car and hearing the distinctive crunch of snow underfoot, got our hearts racing. We knew we were in for some fun! The air was crisp but heavy with humidity […]
Last night we arrived in Zion National Park. Barely. On the drive from our home in Newport Beach, Ca to Utah we got hit with a crazy hail/snow storm. As luck would have it, the car needed gas, and one of us had to get out and stand in the cold to pump it. To be fair, we decided […]
This Zion National Park engagement session is one we will never forget! A few weeks ago, Sophie and Mazen asked us if we’d like to spend three days exploring with them in Utah. Of course we said yes! And so the adventure began… Sophie and Mazen traveled all the way from their home in Los Angeles, […]
If you follow us @moosestudio on Instagram, it’s no secret how much time we spend on the social media platform. We l-o-v-e what a great tool it is to grow your business and are obsessed with helping you achieve that growth. Today, we’re talking about some of the lies people tell about building and growing your Instagram account. We’re sure they’re coming from […]
We are so excited to share this California backyard wedding with you! This was the very last wedding of our season, and we couldn’t have picked a better grand finale! Oh, where do we even begin? From the moment we met Marisol three years ago, we knew we would be great friends. For a lot […]
Gone are the days where the sheer number of followers you have is all that really matters. Instagram has become a digital business card and portfolio. When someone pops over to your profile, they don’t waste a second determining whether or not they want to follow you. So that begs the question, is your Instagram profile worthy enough […]
You know those couples, the ones that you immediately feel like you’re best friends with? Well, that is Maddy and Charlie! When they met us for their engagement session last week – looking AMAZING, we might add – we just clicked! Just like us, they’ve known each other for over seven years. They officially met at a party […]
When we first started our Instagram account, we knew nothing about the social media platform. We were tired of the declining engagement on Facebook, and thought, “what the hell, let’s see what Instagram can do for our business.” Truth be told, there were many Instagram mistakes that were made. We posted content that was specifically about what we had done […]
Of all the students in his high school class, she stood out. Brett noticed Caroline’s dark hair, and beautiful smile and knew she was different. He was intrigued and planned to get to know his classmate. When she left to study abroad in Europe, he missed her tremendously. He worked hard to save his lunch for […]
We love love love Instagram. Aside from Snapchat, it is by far one of our favorite social media platforms to be on. We can guarantee if you’re not on it yet, your competitor already is. One of the biggest mistakes we made when we first started using Instagram was to not utilize hashtags. What were we thinking?! […]
Ahh the heat has finally broke here in Newport Beach and we can finally work on our Airstream without sweating so much! If you missed our Airstream renovation update last week, you can catch up here. Today begins the framing of our kitchen dinette table. In the picture below, we’ve used painters tape to indicate […]
Instagram has been one of the most powerful tools we have used to build our Destination Wedding Photography business. On average, we get 3-5 wedding inquiries a month from brides that found us on the platform. And it cost us ZERO dollars to get their attention! All that was required was time and engagement. This morning we […]
So you’ve started a blog, and now you want to scream from the rooftops to let the world know. Facebook. Instagram. Pinterest. Twitter. You’re announcing it everywhere and crossing your fingers that people will visit. But, once you start generating consistent traffic to your blog, how are you going to convince people to subscribe? Install Sumo for FREE. It’s a […]
It’s been just over a year now since we originally bought our 1976 Land Yacht Sovereign Airstream to renovate. If you haven’t been following along, it has been an incredible journey so far! You can catch up here on the blog, or on Instagram @airstreamnomad. People from all over the world ask us questions, and cheer us […]
A few weeks ago, Leland contacted us from the East Coast to photograph his beach proposal here in Southern California. He and his girlfriend Carlee boarded a plane together for a surprise vacation. She had no idea where they were going, except that it was somewhere in California. Little did she know, he had been planning […]
Admit it – you’re kind of lonely. Blogging full time, or even part time can be a lonely business. 99% of your time, is spent staring at a bright computer screen typing away in your yoga pants. In the beginning, you feel as if you’re pouring your heart and soul onto your blog, but nobody is listening. Everything […]
You’ve been staring at that blinking cursor for hours and nothing is coming to you. We’ve all been there. Creating epic content is crucial to the success of your blog and business. Without it, you have no way to establish your authority in your field, gain new followers or make money. But sometimes, you’re brain just refuses […]
They say that you become like the people you spend your time with. After spending the day with Nikki and Chase’s closest family and friends, we can see why they turned out so lovely. From the moment we met them, to the moment we said goodnight, we felt completely welcomed into their intimate circle. Nikki and Chase […]
When we first began blogging in 2014, it was simple. Write a short, valuable 300 word post, hit publish, and watch the comments roll in. The average blogger didn’t worry about SEO or making their post Pinterest worthy to get more traffic to their website. Sigh, those were the good ol’ days. Whether you like it or not, […]
No hashtags, retweets, or the ability to tag friends. So how in the world do you build your following on Snapchat? With a simple profile, and no suggestions for whom you should add, Snapchat can be SO confusing at first. But just like a puzzle, this social media platform can be solved, and will greatly […]
The lure of the beach intrigued Melissa and Alex. The rolling waves, the sand between their toes, and endless sunshine. Once they stumbled upon the Malibu West Beach Club, they knew their wedding venue dreams had come true! The intimate space sat right on top of the beach and overlooked the ocean. It was perfect. Together […]
In October 2015, on a brisk fall afternoon at a party, Ryan laid eyes on the most radiant woman he had ever seen, Emily. She had a twine-thin body, with a tapered waist. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on her sweeping eyelashes. Her shadow-black hair tumbled over her shoulders. He was captivated by her bouncy […]
Let me guess – you found this post because you don’t use Snapchat. But, you keep hearing it’s the hot new social media app, so now you need to learn Snapchat! Or maybe, you just downloaded the app and immediately started panicking trying to figure it out. You might have even taken a few crappy photos with it and sent them […]
Enchanting redwood trees and the smell of the ocean- were the sights and scents of their hometown in San Francisco. They met their sophomore year of college when they lived in a sorority and frat house across the street from each other. Cassie thanked fate she was matched with Michael, the smartest and kindest guy […]
Congrats on your decision to make a blog!!! Starting a blog is one of those life moments that is both scary, and exciting at the same time. Blogging has literally changed our lives and we are so excited that you have taken a leap to start one too! Not only can you make money with a […]
This week we chose to focus on the lighting and window screens for the entire trailer. If you missed last week’s airstream renovation update, you can read it here. We ordered bulbs for ceiling lights, LED puck lights and an adorable little lamp shade for the bathroom. It’s so exciting to see it turning into […]
Most of us have a pretty good idea of what we want our lives to look like. Tomorrow, the next day, or even thirty years from now. There are endless possibilities, for the path we might take to get there, but often times we choose the safe one. The path that ultimately strips all creativity away and leaves you unsatisfied […]
We are taught in k-12 school to constantly strive to strengthen our weaknesses, pointing them out with red pen. Parents scan our report cards and focus on the subjects that need to improve. Employers write performance reviews on how we have opportunities for improvement. Taking the time to discover your strengths and focus on perfecting your skills […]
When planning a wedding, no detail can be deemed too small. You’ve spent thousands of dollars to ensure your wedding day will be absolutely perfect. However, after shooting destination weddings for over 3 years now, we’ve noticed nearly every bride we’ve worked with, has always forgotten this one thing that can make a huge difference to […]
The moment you learn to take control of your thoughts, will be the moment you gain the power to make your vision a reality. Our inner dialogue is the driving force behind every decision we make and the path that we create for ourselves. A mood board is a physical representation of your thoughts. It is a collage of ideas […]
If you’re anything like I was, you have an image of yourself that you want other people to share. You think people expect that of you, so you pretend to be that person. Overtime, you layer your life with shields of arm that guard the real you. As a result, you can’t authentically interact with […]
Fair warning…there are a lot of cactus pictures in this post. We haven’t been to the desert in a while, so we may have gone a little crazy documenting it! We couldn’t believe all of the unexpected, hidden beauty we found in Phoenix, Arizona. Thanks to my Mom and her husband Marvin for giving us the grand tour. […]
Photographing the getting ready details is one of our favorite parts of the wedding day because it allows us to prepare for the rest of the day. This is when the couple gets ready separately, surrounded by their family, friends and bridal party. We like to photograph a bride’s details in a way that matches and […]
Every since I was little, I’ve had this fascination with things that are abnormally tiny or large. I have a collection of photographs that I have been curating during my travels of these abnormally sized items. It sounds strange, and it probably is, but it entertains me and that’s all that matters! In my photo collection, I […]
Out of all of our traffic sources, Pinterest is the biggest driver. We’ve been on the social media platform since it launched in 2010, when you had to be invited to use it. Since then, we’ve pinned over 10,000 pins to our boards. At first, it was simply a way to organize our ideas, much like a […]
You guys! Are you on snapchat? We finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and download the social media app. And we LOVE IT. At first, we were a tad hesitant to commit to yet another social media platform, because we honestly didn’t get it…but it’s happening! We’ve decided it’s could be a fun way to let all […]
Monetizing a website can be overwhelming. There are many different routes you can take to start creating an income from it. However, one of our favorite ways is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you earn money for recommending products. If a person clicks on one of your affiliate links and makes a purchase, you earn a […]
This week consisted of a bunch of small tasks that will make a huge impact in the long run. We are on the home stretch for finishing the interior to the point that we can lay down faux hardwood, and install our new appliances. I know I have said that several times now, but I […]
Located just South of Downtown San Diego, you will find the hidden jewel – Coronado Island. Geographically speaking, it is actually a combination of an Island and a Tombolo connected to the mainland, called the Silver Strand. Coronado is actually Spanish for “the crowned one” and is often referred to as the The Crowned City. With miles […]
While some of you have been following our Airstream renovation since it’s early days (beginning of August 2015), many of you are fairly new readers. To help you through the overwhelming archives, we’ve compiled a timeline. Please don’t try to go through all of these posts at once, there are days and days worth of […]
Over eight years ago, Brooke and Bennett met through mutual friends at their high school. After chasing each other for several years, Bennett finally made a move and asked her to be his girlfriend – they dated for five loooong years. Their love story is one of patience, persistence and many prayers. On the day he proposed, […]
One of the hardest lessons we have learned with renovating this vintage airstream trailer, is that money will at some point become an issue, and run out. As you may have noticed, we haven’t posted any airstream renovation updates lately. We had to take a break to save up again! We have however, been able […]
Their wedding day began with the sounds of birds chirping in the palm trees of Newport beach, California. Carly and Kylor have carved a space in the world that belongs to wherever they call home. They ensured their friends and family they were not only invited to see them exit the Newport Beach Mormon Temple, […]
We have been so busy this last month, we haven’t had much time to work on the Airstream trailer renovation! We have only been up a handful of times, but have definitely been making more progress that is now a bit more visible to the eye. If you’ve missed our last progress update, you can check it […]
They met in college a few years back. Mike was enamored by Namrata’s beauty and couldn’t get her out of his mind. He pursued her, talking to her on the phone nearly every night. He needed her. She made him feel alive. After several years of chasing her around the globe in her endless travels, he got down […]
They met in college. Over nine years ago in a dorm room. Five years later, they decided to study abroad together in London. When they weren’t studying for their classes, they adventured throughout Europe. As a child, Peter had become a professional jump roper, and had traveled quite a bit for his sport. Amanda on the other […]
Clearly, we are partial, but there’s no better place to experience Autumn and all it’s glory than Vancouver, Canada. From the inner busy heart of Downtown, to the serene outer edges, Vancouver will surely take your breath away. We love being adventurous, discovering new places, and restaurants, and that we did. With only 72 hours to […]
Victoria, British Columbia has long been on my bucket list for travel destinations, so when we boarded the first ferry out from Tsawwassen terminal in Vancouver, Canada the excitement started to grow. Victoria is the island’s biggest city and capital of British Columbia. The city has everything from wildlife, fascinating history and culture, and delicious food. Add in […]
Vancouver, Canada has been calling our names and filling our hearts lately. It’s sweeping coastline and regal mountains, fill our dreams. We yearn to drink in the crisp air and to step our eager feet in it’s bustling city. This is going to be one of the most beautiful adventures we have as we also celebrate our […]
Today Josh and I are flying from LAX to Vancouver, Canada to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. The flight is about three hours long, which is just enough time to grow restless on the plane. Crying kids, flushing toilets, various people coughing, terrible snacks, and small seats are some of the things we all struggle with […]
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real love stories, and discover our favorite wedding vendors in Utah and California.